Global Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change
Datum: 22.03.2024
Pražská deklarace (2019) se stala podkladem pro Global Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change
V roce 2019 byla Česká evaluační společnost spoluorganizátorem Conference on Evaluation for Transformative Change, která zastřešovala Global Assembly IDEAS a Third International Conference on Evaluating Environment and Development.
Účastníci akce jednomyslně schválili Pražskou deklaraci (The Prague Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change), která podporovala transformativní evaluace založené na partnerství, odhalování silových vazeb a prosazování inkluzivity, a to při respektování práv a odpovědností jednotlivých aktérů.
Během 4th Conference on Evaluating Environment and Development byla Pražská deklarace aktualizována a u příležitosti Dne Země 22. dubna 2024 byla přijata Global Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change.
Do 29. března 2024 bylo možné zasílat náměty a připomínky k novému textu deklarace.
Více podrobností lze najít ZDE.
The Prague Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change was unanimously adopted on October 4, 2019, by the assembled participants of the Conference on Evaluation for Transformative Change, which brought together the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly and the Third International Conference on Evaluating Environment and Development.
This Declaration strongly supported further efforts in transformational evaluation, emphasizing the need for partnerships, exploration of power relations, and the promotion of inclusiveness, while ensuring respect for rights and responsibilities.
Shortly thereafter, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, exacerbating interconnected and overlapping crises, including climate change, biodiversity loss, political instability, economic inequality, and public health emergencies.
During the 4th Conference on Evaluating Environment and Development, participants reviewed and reflected on the evolving landscape of evaluation networks and associations worldwide. As a result, the conference introduced the Updated Prague Declaration, now known as the Global Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change.
The declaration was officially launched on Earth Day, April 22, 2024, and was opened for endorsement by evaluation networks, associations, and individuals who wished to support its vision.