Evaluační publikace

Pravidlně aktualizovaný seznam volně dostupných publikací

Transformational Change for People and the Planet

Editors: Juha I. Uitto, Geeta Batra

Unique insider perspective to evaluation policy and practice in leading international development organizations.

Learning from top thinkers and practitioners at the forefront of evaluation focusing on environment and sustainable development in an international context.

Concrete examples from evaluations in the field with clear lessons on how to design and conduct successful sustainable development evaluations.

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Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence

Author: Hur Hassnain

Editors: Lauren Kelly, Simona Somma

Practical guidance from global evaluation practitioners. The book shows a diverse set of perspectives and experiences on sensitive issues when measuring change in unpredictable, complex, and violent situations. 

This book presents an interesting argument that ‘evaluation’ – like development aid itself – can unintentionally exacerbate tensions in ways that can negatively affect people and institutions if care is not taken in designing and approaching it with caution and sensitivity. The concepts of gender and conflict sensitivity is widely discussed in the book, along with real time case examples, useful tips and further reading references.

Odkaz pro stažení (pdf)


Ethics for Evaluation
Beyond “doing no harm” to “tackling bad” and “doing good”

Editors: Rob D. van den Berg, Penny Hawkins, Nicoletta Stame

In Ethics for Evaluation the diverse perspectives on ethical guidance in evaluation are untangled and ordered in a theoretical framework focusing on evaluations doing no harm, tackling bad and doing good.

Divided into four parts a diverse group of subject experts present a practical look at ethics, utilizing practical experience to analyze how ethics have been applied in evaluations and how new approaches can shape the future of ethics. The chapters collectively create a common understanding of the potential role of ethics to infuse policy decisions and stakeholder initiatives with evaluations that provide better insight and potential solutions for problems, going beyond "what works" to what needs to be done and what would help. The methodological scope ranges from working in contexts of fragility, conflict and violence, to participatory and decolonized approaches, including the ethical imperatives posed by global crises such as climate change, inequity and exploitative international relations.

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IDEAS book Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times

Editors: Rob D. van den Berg, Cristina Magro and Marie-Hélène Adrien

The sixth book following and building on a successful IDEAS Global Assembly (Prague 2019), this volume brings highly interesting perspectives on trajectories towards supporting transformation aimed at solving the global crises of our times. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the enormous challenges humanity is facing. It has been facilitated by other crises as climate change, biodiversity loss, economic exploitation, and increased inequity and inequality. The UN Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement on climate change call for transformational change of our societies, our economies and our interaction with the environment. Evaluation is tasked to bring rigorous evidence to support transformation at all levels, from local to global. This book explores how the future of the evaluation profession can take shape in 18 chapters from authors from all over the world, from North and South, East and West, and from Indigenous and Decolonized voices to integrative perspectives for a truly sustainable future.

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Průvodce evaluátora. Sbírka evaluačních tipů a doporučení.

Evaluační jednotka Národního orgánu pro koordinaci (EJ NOK) vydala v roce 2020 evaluační příručku dobré praxe, nazvanou „Průvodce evaluátora – Sbírka evaluačních tipů a doporučení“.

Na přípravě se podílela řada členů ČES. Příručka je ke stažení na https://dotaceeu.cz/getmedia/05897e7c-7a52-482c-a3d4-cf29369e0cbe/Pruvodce-evaluatora_2020.pdf.aspx.


Evaluation for transformational change

Kniha obsahuje texty k současným problémům světa diskutovaným na  globálním shromáždění mezinárodní evaluační asociace IDEAS v roce 2019 v Praze.

Vydavatel: International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS)

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Handbook on Project Cycle Management of Development Projects

Kniha může sloužit jako učebnice pro PCM kurzy, ale také jako praktický průvodce pro manažery, experty, realizátory a evaluátory rozvojových projektů.

Vydavatel: Česká zemědělská univerzita

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Cesta k výsledkom

Slovenský překlad publikace Světové banky "Roads To Results".

Vydavatel: Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky

Odkaz ke stažení (pdf)